Tuesday, September 28, 2010

TEDxOilSpill Poster Competition


這個比賽是由美國一家私有非盈利機構TED(意指technology, entertainment, design)所發起的,目的是為了提高大眾對今年初發生的英國石油公司漏油事件以及全球暖化的意識。


In order to raise awareness of the issues being discussed at TEDxOilSpill, we are holding a poster competition for designers. Here’s what you need to know to get started:

Design a social issues poster which addresses one or more or any combination of the following questions or ideas:

- Exploring new ideas for our energy future.

- Show ways we can mitigate the current crisis in the Gulf or how to help, prevent, or consider it anew.

- Interpret the disaster visually. The impact on humans, wildlife, cultures, economies.

- The poster can be about the response, the cause, the consequences or something you add to the larger global discussion on offshore drilling and the impact of burning oil for energy and production of petroleum based products — like plastic on the environment and the oceans.

- Something related to the national emergency in the Gulf of Mexico or a broader energy issues concept that you develop.

金獎作品由Gerren Lamson獲得

銀獎由Andrew Lewis獲得
